Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Do you want to learn brief self hypnosis technique.


Do you want to learn brief self hypnosis technique .

  Hypnosis is a really powerful way to reprogram your deeper mind

Have a Goal in mind how you want to feel and think . What positve suggestions you want to direct to your deeper mind . For example . Feel calm , feel confident , Let go of negative thoughts. Sugggesstions for example . I believe in myself , I am confident , I fully accept and love myself . You choose

  Take deep slow breath in through you’re nose , hold, breeth slowly out through your mouth . Gently let your eyes Close . Actively let all your muscles relax from your head down to your toes . Take another deep breath . And sink deeper into calmness . For a few moments feel your eyelids feel heavy , this deepens trance . Let yourself go deeper .

  Body scan .

 Go down through all your muscles from head  to toes , and let all them Relax . Notice any tension in your body and let go like un- buckling a belt .

Now take another Deep slow breath and breeth really slowly out through your mouth and sink deeper into calmness in body and mind .

  Now think of your goals of how you want to Feel . Eg  calm ,   Safe , Happy , confidence . Whatever emotional state you want to Feel .

  Access a memory of a time you felt this positive emotion . See the memory , hear what you hear , sounds smells, connect to it . As you do Feel the good feeling from it . Notice where in your body you feel it . Connect more with it . Really focus on this calm feeling . Lock it in .

As you feel the feeling reaching its peak , put your thumb and forefinger together . Anchor Feeling .

  Future Pace

Now if you want to see yourself in a situation with this great feeling . Maybe at work or socially . See yourself how you want to feel . You decide where to future pace . Maybe focus on some positive thoughts . Maybe think about what you like about yourself the most . All your achievements. Sometimes practice "letting go of any negative thoughts and feelings" . Sometimes just imagine your body being healed by a healing energy or light .

Open your eyes and go on with your day .

You will find what works for you . You can skip some steps sometimes . You don’t always have to Future pace .

This only takes 30 seconds to two minutes . It’s a very powerful way to program your neural pathways in your brain . Sometimes just do this just to feel calm , only access a calm relaxed memory .

Sometimes just focus on all your positive thoughts and feelings.Sometimes just focus on "Letting go of any negative feelings and thoughts"

Sometimes do all of the above .

Remember deep breathing sends a chemical signal to your body and mind to relax . Neurons that fire together stay together . Your conscious mind doesnt have to "Fully believe" every positive suggestions . As you directing these powerful suggestions into your deep creative mind . Where attention goes energy flows .

Hypnosis can really help with issues like stress , anxiety , General anxiety , Panic attacks , Self esteem , Lose weight and Stop Smoking. Whatever works best for you.

Practice this once a day .

Best of luck


click on link below for Sel hypnosis video

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