Ive been working with clients for over 15years helping them to quit Vapping , face to face and online . Im a fully qualified,insured and memeber of the chpa.ie . Over the years Ive found what really works and have put all my years of experience into my quit Vaping programe .
Does Hypnosis really help you to Quit Vaping.The short answer is yes . Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you access your subconscious the control room of your mind to help you Quit.
Your conscious mind says " I dont want to smoke/vape Im feed up with it,its bad for me"But then from the back of your mind your hear the subconscious mind whisper "Go on sure you love it with a coffe,sure its Friday,one wont do you any harm, Ah to hell with it" Does any of this sound familiar ?
Sometimes it just feels like an impulse.Because your mind and body have been programmed to it.
Hypnosis helps you to send powerful suggestions to your deeper mind to recognise and not listen to theses automatic thoughts.It helps you to feel different about the old toxic habit. It helps you Let Go of any attachments or benifits you use to get from it. You will have a post hypnotic suggestions planted into the back of your mind "I feel so great vape free" anytime you see others vaping.
In a cessation session I would also show you simple but effective techniques you can use to interupt any thoughts of smoking/vaping. Also you will get personalised hypnosis audio to help you reinforce your session.
A personalised hypnosis audio is made for the client to listen to as they fall asleep in bed.The powerful suggestions to quit are directed into your deeper mind as you sleep. Our minds consolidate memories of the day,decides what to remmeber.Remember to feel differ about this toxic habit, remember I just dont need it.
Hypnotherapy is very poweful but its not a magic wand. Like all therapy it helps you to help yourself. Remember smoking /vaping is just a habit and like all habits it can be broken.What your mind has created it can undo.No matter how long youve been smoking or vaping you can Stop. Use hypnosis to help let go of this Toxic friend .
Any questions or if you want a brief chat on the phone/email with no obligation to book.
Contact Ger ADHP MCHPA 086 7310053 email info@hypnosis-dublin.com
Hypnotherapy Dublin
Hypnotherapy Ireland.
Please click on link below for Stop vaping as you sleep audio.
I work Online and Face to Face
8 Pembroke road Dublin 4
Never listen when driving