Monday, October 7, 2024

3 ways Hypnosis will hep your sports performance

 1 Enhance your Mindset

Hypnosis can help you connect with that positive Mindset that helps you perform at your peak .The more you focus on something the bigger it becomes .Closing your eyes , visualising your peak performance ,  and repeating powerful affirmations to yourself . You are firing those neurons untill there hard wired . Infact hypnosis goes beyond just visualisation , it is refivivfication . Actualy reliving positive states and memories as if your really there .Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or imagined . So imagine the best .

2 Sharpen Your Focus

Direct your deeper mind to Focus on a positve outcome . To learn from mistakes. What you focus on gets bigge r. Setting your intention what to focus on , acts like a GPS to your deeper mind.

3 Control Stress or Anxiety 

The hypnotic induction in itself is a great way to train your body and mind to Relax .Then apply these calm states to your performance . Also implant powerful suggestions into your mind to  Pay less attention to anxiety in your body . Remember what you focus on gets bigger .

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Your Not Your Thoughts


Remember your not your thoughts. They are just thoughts. If you have negative limiting  thoughts. Eg  "I dont deserve this"  or" Im not good enough " for example

Remember there just thoughts. There not news reports , there not facts.

Challenge  these thoughts. Is there any evidence to back them up. Bring your thoughts to court. Is there another way to  think about things. Are these negative thoughts based on now ,or are they just a program you learned in your past. 

Of course is ok to have some negative thoughts. If you cant do something and thats based on evidence. Than fine. Chalenge your thoughts and base your thinking through a clear filter.

Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend. The longest relationship you have in life is with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Divide your thoughts into useful or not useful


"Remember your not your past " Carl Jung

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Do you want to learn brief self hypnosis technique.


Do you want to learn brief self hypnosis technique .

  Hypnosis is a really powerful way to reprogram your deeper mind

Have a Goal in mind how you want to feel and think . What positve suggestions you want to direct to your deeper mind . For example . Feel calm , feel confident , Let go of negative thoughts. Sugggesstions for example . I believe in myself , I am confident , I fully accept and love myself . You choose

  Take deep slow breath in through you’re nose , hold, breeth slowly out through your mouth . Gently let your eyes Close . Actively let all your muscles relax from your head down to your toes . Take another deep breath . And sink deeper into calmness . For a few moments feel your eyelids feel heavy , this deepens trance . Let yourself go deeper .

  Body scan .

 Go down through all your muscles from head  to toes , and let all them Relax . Notice any tension in your body and let go like un- buckling a belt .

Now take another Deep slow breath and breeth really slowly out through your mouth and sink deeper into calmness in body and mind .

  Now think of your goals of how you want to Feel . Eg  calm ,   Safe , Happy , confidence . Whatever emotional state you want to Feel .

  Access a memory of a time you felt this positive emotion . See the memory , hear what you hear , sounds smells, connect to it . As you do Feel the good feeling from it . Notice where in your body you feel it . Connect more with it . Really focus on this calm feeling . Lock it in .

As you feel the feeling reaching its peak , put your thumb and forefinger together . Anchor Feeling .

  Future Pace

Now if you want to see yourself in a situation with this great feeling . Maybe at work or socially . See yourself how you want to feel . You decide where to future pace . Maybe focus on some positive thoughts . Maybe think about what you like about yourself the most . All your achievements. Sometimes practice "letting go of any negative thoughts and feelings" . Sometimes just imagine your body being healed by a healing energy or light .

Open your eyes and go on with your day .

You will find what works for you . You can skip some steps sometimes . You don’t always have to Future pace .

This only takes 30 seconds to two minutes . It’s a very powerful way to program your neural pathways in your brain . Sometimes just do this just to feel calm , only access a calm relaxed memory .

Sometimes just focus on all your positive thoughts and feelings.Sometimes just focus on "Letting go of any negative feelings and thoughts"

Sometimes do all of the above .

Remember deep breathing sends a chemical signal to your body and mind to relax . Neurons that fire together stay together . Your conscious mind doesnt have to "Fully believe" every positive suggestions . As you directing these powerful suggestions into your deep creative mind . Where attention goes energy flows .

Hypnosis can really help with issues like stress , anxiety , General anxiety , Panic attacks , Self esteem , Lose weight and Stop Smoking. Whatever works best for you.

Practice this once a day .

Best of luck


click on link below for Sel hypnosis video

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hypnosis will help you Stop Smoking and Vaping


Do you want to stop smoking or vaping . Hypnosis helps you access your subconscious . So you can get in touch with all your own natural resources . Everything you have learnt ,all your experiences and memories . Remember your conscious mind can only think of 5 or 6 things at a time . But your deeper mind has a lifetime of learning . With hypnosis you are accessing and making use of all this  .

It also creates more brain activity . Getting your logical , emotional and creative side working together . Here you can idendify the subconscious triggers why you smoke or vape . If you could stop just using your conscious mind with will power alone , you would of done so already and would not be reading this 

With hypnosis you will access your poweful emotional mind . Connect with , I just dont feel like smoking anymore . You can direct poweful hypnotic suggestions into your mind , No I can't be bother with this old toxic habit . Or just a simple , No . And anytime you have a drink , or a cup of coffee , or feel stressed these powerful suggestions are triggered .

Listening to hypnosis audio can really help reinforce  all the great work you would do in a hypnosis stop smoking session . And every night as you sleep your deeper mind consolidates and grows these powerful messages  . And like seeds in your mind  they grow untill a new habit is formed . 

Repeated listening to hypnosis audio  will help reprogram your mind . Neurons that fire together wire together . Old habits are hard to break especially the good ones  . Think how great you will feel and you become free of this old toxxic friend . The power is always within you .

Of course hypnotherapy is not a magic wand . Rather a powerful tool to help you get what you want . Why not do it today . 

Any questions dont hesitate to ring or email me . I hope this short explanation goes some way to motivate you to Stop . Best of luck .


Tuesday, April 9, 2024



My name is Ger Griffin.

Ive been working as a clinical hypnotherapist for over 15 years.Helping many clients to STOP smoking and vaping . Hypnosis helps you access your deeper subconscious where all your memories , learning and resources are. So you can use them to quit for good.

Hypnotherapy will help you idendify your own personal triggers, so you can interupt them anf replace them with a new NON SMOKER program . Remember what your mind has created your mind can do .

Think how good you will feel as you quit . Think of the benifits as you become free of this toxic friend . Your health , the cost financially , the effects on your family .

Hypnosis Will help  to Feel like " I just dont want them" Untill a the habit of being a non smoker is installed .

Of course hypnosis is not a magic wand . Its a very powerful tool that helps you to help yourself .

Any questions please ring or email for a phone consultation with no obligation to book.

Ger info@hypnosis-dublin  086 7310053

3 ways Hypnosis will hep your sports performance

 1 Enhance your Mindset Hypnosis can help you connect with that positive Mindset that helps you perform at your peak .The more you focus on ...